Only marriage can provide families with true equality.
Love. Honor. Commitment.
These are the words that gay and lesbian couples
feel in their hearts when they make a commitment to each other.
Love. Honor. Commitment.
These are the words that gay and lesbian couples
feel in their hearts when they make a commitment to each other.
As Americans, we remind our fellow citizens of a foundational principle of our form of government: all are created equal. Consistent with the pursuit of liberty and justice for all, same-sex couples should have full and equal access to the rights and responsibilities bestowed by civil marriage.
As Catholics, we remind our Church of a foundational conviction of our faith: God is love and all that abide in love abide in God and God in them. The love that brings and binds two people of the same, or opposite sex, together has a divine source.
Dignity Twin Cities believes that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have the right to full expression of their sexuality in ways that are consistent with Catholic/ Christian values, including the right to enter into committed relationships; and
We know that only civil marriage bestows important rights, protections and duties to the partners and their families and that public affirmation of a couple's commitment honors their covenant.
Dignity/Twin Cities believes the Bible affirms and celebrates human expressions of love and partnership, calling us to live out fully that gift of God in responsible, faithful, committed relationships that recognize and respect the image of God in all people; and
• the life and example of Jesus of Nazareth provides a model of radically inclusive love and abundant welcome for all; and
• recognition of marriage carries with it significant access to institutional support, rights and benefits; and
• children of families headed by same-gender couples should receive all legal rights and protections; and
• legislation to ban recognition of same-gender marriages further undermine the civil liberties of gay and lesbian couples and contributes to a climate of misunderstanding and polarization, increasing hostility against gays and lesbians.
THEREFORE Dignity/Twin Cities advocates for equal marriage rights for couples regardless of gender and declares that the government should not interfere with couples regardless of gender who choose to marry and share fully and equally in the rights, responsibilities and commitment of legally recognized marriage.
Dignity/Twin Cities is a community of Catholic Christians established in the 1980s to provide sanctuary and empowerment to LGBT Catholics and allies. It is affiliated with DignityUSA.